Thursday, October 23, 2008


key moments of indeterminable dread go way back for me.
night terrors, with no recollection of where i've been, why i feel the way i feel.
i had a conversation with a very close friend several nights ago,
and out of confidence and time can't divulge nearly as much as i would presently like to,
but others have had very different experiences with their dreams,
so vivid that they remain in stark detail paths of the memory for a lifetime.
i don't believe it is a direct corrolation to ones intellectual capacity,
but rather a very unique composition : how one retains experiences, dreams,
and also these very elusive key moments of indeterminable dread, as i guess i will call them.

i had a very interesting conversation with my dear cousin Jesse (oddly enough he shares the same name as the dear friend mentioned earlier).
As i wake this afternoon from a nap, trying to catch up a little, so i will have the fortitude that i will want later this evening, i trundled down the stairs to the laundry room.
The light now in seattle on a clear beutiful perfect day at 430 pm can have a host of different emotions.
It all completely depends on how one is disposed to feeling in that given moment. The feelings are intense, for those of us that feel them strong. It depends on sounds, how silent one is. in complete relative silence, with the occasional holler from a siren or a horn, there can be affective loneliness. If i were with five of my best friends right now under these same conditions, or a lover, i would feel overwhelming bliss.
I would like to speak further about this.
I have had similar experiences everywhere in the world. And certainly our emotional lives are monsters. Just as the monsters in monsters inc are slap stick hilarious, as well as terrifying for a child, our emotions can lead us into waters both shallow splashable salty and safe, or to the depths of the atlantic, where death is counting down until launch.
i have to go to work.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I don't know what to say .
the sky IS falling, but the leaves are falling first. they are so beautiful here in seattle.
i spent the day yesterday with a young man OLD friend, Yohannan Rempt. We go pretty far back.
I remember his first appearance in my life as the djembe drummer from the northwest....around the plaza of nations in Kailua-Kona HI. That was in......96?

The thing I appreciate about the richness of this friendship, among others closely resembling one of this nature, is lack of precedent for DTRs. It's never needed. We hang when we can, and when we don't, we forget that we're not, until the next time we can. And it's always good times.

We threw frisbees yesterday at Jule Park (is that right?) in the redmond area. Gopher piles of dirt in a minefield spattered down the green, I was enlightened on a story of a friend of his. Apparently they had some real trouble gettin rid of those digggers in the yard. Dad had tried everything in his might to get rid of em. Dynamite, rat poison, lewers, whoppers, choppers, cloppers, and duhickeys. those dirtpiles never did quit showin up. so one day he wakes up....walks down the stairs to the breakfast table, the family waitin around sayin their prayers and packing their lunches and whatnot (this is the part that i'd like to imagine). looks out to the yard like he's hopin to see nothing under the christmas tree, and sure enough, the yard looks like a stalemated round of othello.

storms for the garage and weilding his welding kit trounces out through the screen door to the scene of these hideous crimes, the kids' faces pressed to the glass with honey bunches of oats flavored milk trickling down their chins. down goes the wand into the first hole he reaches, and lefty loosey on the acetylene nob, for a good 2-3 minutes. Kids thought dad was havin a sord fight with them critters....with a car toy...or A cartoy makin toy.

pulls out a match from his left pocket....strike, drop,

dad flies back 15 feet and geysers of inferno shoot 30 feet in the air, from EVERY hole in the yard, AND every trail beneath the surface of the sod. It looks to me like something that should have been in The Last Crusade...true gauntlet material. The penatent man is on the ground, passing, boot.

a story like this couldn't be made up.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 sent you a link to content of interest sent you a link to the following content:

Mafia wants author dead by Christmas

The sender also included this note:

Let's see what happens...

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Monday, October 13, 2008


I'm just....working on my spaces. Tell you what though... Were makin

Sunday, October 5, 2008


i woke up at 8:30 from the sound of a t.m. coming through on my mob...alerting me that marisa was ready to go canoooooing through the arboretum. she began to tell me about a lot of personal things that were blogged about her about her blog. i just really don't like that work sometime. and what is the 'b' relagated TO? i can only imagine it being a (B)itchLog or a (B)utt logg, (poop)(dookini)(kakapoopopeepee(when you have the runs)) this potty humore is really surprising me because all i want to do is reminisce about my day.
because I had some really good BBQ with fellow Aqueducks at Willy's , (louisiana style). The beef brisket was so ostensibly a do-over....but not because it wasn't good the first time: it WAS, and SO GOOD that you'd want to DO IT over and over again!!!! (after eating's one of those southern afrodeziAXE joints. ha ha lol)

i was thinking how cool it would be to take some lil wayne song and use it to promote the obama campaign.....

love you guys....i don't know , maybe i'm talking to my inhouse friends. like the ones in the church of my mind...i'm not saying my mind is a church, but it would be pretty sweet if it was...and preferably harmonious.